What is the real story behind the SEIU fueled criticism of Prime Healthcare Services (PHS), a top-rated healthcare network based in Ontario, CA?
You may have read about the alleged improprieties which are being played out in the media. The SEIU, one of the Nation’s most powerful unions, uses any means possible to intimidate PHS in order to influence ongoing labor negotiations. It puts PHS in the unenviable position of constantly defending its reputation as an operator of 14 hospitals throughout California.
Let’s examine the facts one by one. According to SEIU propaganda PHS purchases through aggressive legal and financial tactics PHS seizes control of ‘poor’ hospitals over local objections and then proceeds to profit at the expense of patients, caregivers and communities.
Let’s look at the SEIU accusation that PHS cuts needed services. The fact is, PHS carefully evaluates the needs of the community before considering any cuts in service. All required services are never eliminated and in some cases even marginal programs remain on an outpatient basis.
All surgery programs remain intact and existing heart programs are always enhanced. For example, the recently acquired Alvarado Hospital in San Diego has an open heart surgery program and a newly renovated cath lab. Expensive programs, like mammograms which require the maintenance of extremely costly equipment, may also be moved to an outpatient basis.
In order to make a newly acquired hospital financially viable, PHS must identify the areas that are placing an untenable strain on finances. This can involve eliminating certain programs and the commensurate staffing cuts. PHS does not slash the pay and benefits of experienced caregivers. It merely evaluates what is in the best interests for the long-term viability of the facility. PHS’s employee compensation is competitive and it also offers a self-funded health plan to all of its 9,000 plus employees.
Our current healthcare system dictates that every patient walking into the ER is entitled to the best possible treatment regardless of their ability to pay. PHS offers more ‘charity care’ than any other hospital network in California. In addition, many PHS hospitals treat a disproportionate share of Medicare patients including Centinela Hospital Medical Center in Inglewood, CA, and Paradise Valley, near San Diego CA.
Existing healthcare contracts are re-evaluated and eliminated if they threaten the economic viability of the hospital. Other reimbursement options are assessed and implemented if they meet PHS’s strategic management criteria. A hospital that goes out of business through mismanagement cannot continue to serve its patients.
PHS also focuses on its ERs. This is where lives are saves and patients can count on receiving treatment in a timely manner. Throughout the PHS system, its hospitals are setting a new standard of efficiency in emergency medicine with wait times reduced to 20 minutes. Paramedics experience less ‘wall time’ (the period between their arrival and departure from the ER) and there is no diverting of patients to other hospitals.
SEIU will no doubt continue to berate PHS in spite of the constant stream of accolades and accreditations its hospitals continues to receive for their quality of care. Unions often resort to intimidation and extortion to influence its negotiations with management. SEIU continues to file manufactured complaints triggering mandatory investigations in an effort to taint PHS’s reputation.
When you examine the facts, PHS’s only crime is in standing up to SEIU while creating a healthcare management model that has meant hospitals can survive and be profitable without compromising the quality of care.